MUHC in the news | April 13-17

In the midst of this historic transformation, the media are keeping up to speed with the latest developments at the MUHC. In order to keep you informed, read our MUHC in the news bulletin - a weekly review of news highlights about the MUHC. 

 A historic move for the MUHC

A report published in the Montreal Gazette, on Saturday April 11, described the historic event that will be the Royal Victoria Hospital move, an extraordinary operation! To get prepared, the MUHC required the services of Health Care Relocations, a Canadian company who has organized more than 400 healthcare center moves. All employees are working together to revise protocols, equipment, work area and final details in order to welcome the first patient on April 26. 

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Getting ready to welcome the first baby 

MUHC teams of the Birthing Center are getting ready to welcome the first baby at the Glen site. CTV News attended various simulations with the Obstetrics Unit clinical team, which was discovering their new work environment.  

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Luisa Ciofani, Associate Director of Nursing, Women’s Health

#AskMUHC : Women and newborns care reunited at the Glen 

This week, during the #AskMUHC segment on Global Morning, Luisa Ciofani, Associate Director of Nursing, Women’s Health, gave an overview of spaces dedicated to moms and newborns at the Glen site, which will facilitate the work of clinical teams. Don’t miss the next segment on April 21 at 8:10 a.m. with Patricia Rose, Senior Advisor, Redevelopment for Adult Sites and co-chair of the Adult Patient Transfer Coordination Committee.

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The bell of victory for cancer patients

Many items from the Royal Victoria Hospital will be packed and moved to the new Glen site at the MUHC. So that traditions can be continued for patients, one of them is the oncology department brass ship’s bell purchased in an antique store. The bell is ranged every time a patient has finished a course of chemotherapy recalls the Montreal Gazette. 

Photo credits: Vincenzo D’Alto/Montreal Gazette

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Recalling the pistol duel that led to the foundation of the Montreal General Hospital

This past week, the Montreal Gazette detailed the historic duel that that led to the foundation of the Montreal general Hospital. At 6 a.m. on April 11, 1819, Dr. William Caldwell engaged in a pistol duel with politician Michael O’Sullivan over an argument about the need for a second hospital in Montreal.


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Tango dancing brings hope for Parkinson disease’s patients 

As announced in La Presse earlier this week, a new study led by researchers at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital and the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre suggests dancing the Argentine tango could have potential benefits for people at certain stages in the development of Parkinson’s disease.

