President and Executive Director search process

Dear MUHC community,

There have been many unsubstantiated rumors indicating that the MUHC is contacting candidates to fill the position of President and Executive Director. 

Currently, as I indicated at the MUHC Annual General Meeting held on November 14, we are only inthe preliminary stages of a search process, which involves an important outreach consultation to thevarious stakeholders of our community. This process is being carried out by Dr. Sarah Prichard, vice-chair of the MUHC Board of Directors. 

The purpose of the outreach consultation is to define the ideal profile and mandate of the futureMUHC President and Executive Director. This important step will be, in due course, critical for thedeliberations. To date, no candidate has been contacted. We will only contact candidates after thejob description is posted and we will welcome all qualified candidates at that time.

We thank you for your contribution to the success of the MUHC. 

Peter Kruyt,
Chairman of the Board of Directors

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