Speech by Claudio Bussandri

Public Meeting (March 4, 2013) - C’est notre quatrième séance publique depuis que le nouveau conseil d’administration a été formé il y a un an, et comme toujours, je souhaite vous remercier pour votre présence et votre intérêt pour le Centre universitaire de santé McGill. These quarterly meetings are an opportunity for the Board and management to provide an update on our activities, to report on how we are doing in addressing our clinical and managerial challenges and to hear from you.

As you can see, we have a full agenda. Our goal is for the various presentations including reports from four of our Board Committees to be over by 5:10, which will leave about 20 minutes for questions and answers.

La semaine dernière a été ardue pour nous tous au Centre universitaire de santé McGill. Puisque de graves enjeux en lien avec la conduite présumée de Dr Porter et Yanaï Elbaz sont présentement entre les mains du système judiciaire, vous comprendrez que je suis limité par rapport à ce dont je peux discuter. 

I would however like to make the following points:

  • As we have done since the start of the UPAC investigation, we will continue to collaborate closely with the authorities.
  • If any illegal behaviour took place, the individuals involved should be prosecuted.   The alleged actions of Dr. Porter and Mr. Elbaz are clearly contrary to our values and our code of ethics. Please rest assured that we will continue to monitor the situation and assess our options, including legal action. 
  • We have taken measures to update our governance as well as our administrative policies and procedures in order to ensure that we meet the highest standards.
  • Finally, I wish to reiterate that the authorities have made it clear that no current employee or the institution itself are under investigation. The search warrants make this abundantly clear.

Rien de tout cela n’allège la tâche des femmes et des hommes qui travaillent au Centre universitaire de santé McGill. Il a été difficile pour nous tous de lire les journaux du matin, de regarder les nouvelles du soir ou de rencontrer une connaissance dans la rue. Nous sommes tous frustrés, fâchés et bien sûr, tristes.

While all of this has been going on, the team at the McGill University Health Centre has stayed focused on our mission, which is to provide health care.  They have kept their eye on the ball. The people at the McGill University Health Center are truly extraordinary, committed and strong. Providing outstanding care is in their DNA.  We are indebted to them and enormously grateful.

Before turning to the Baron report I wish to comment on one other story - the Lachine Hospital - that has received a certain amount of coverage. While we await the results of Dr. Lemieux’s review, we take heart in the extensive community support we have received and thank the more than 10,000 Montrealers who have signed a petition calling for the Lachine Hospital to remain part of the McGill University Health Centre. This vote of confidence is further testament to the talent and dedication of the women and men who work here.

J’aimerais maintenant discuter du rapport Baron.

Conscient de notre déficit grandissant et des avantages à consulter des experts externes, nous avons de notre propre chef demandé au gouvernement au début de l’été dernier de former ce qui est devenu le Comité Baron.

Le Comité Baron a présenté un rapport exhaustif, non exact à certains sujets qui a causé de la confusion à ces égards. Toutefois, nous avons choisi de nous mettre au travail et d’adresser les défis liés au déficit, tel que demandé par le gouvernement.

And that is what we are doing. Your Board is closely monitoring the situation and working with management in addressing the 49 recommendations.

In his report today our Director General and CEO will bring clarity to certain items raised in the Baron Report and provide an update on our plans for addressing its recommendations. Our schedule is for the Board to review the progress report in time to submit a status report to the government by March 15th.

Je veux être clair : nous nous engageons à être financièrement responsable et à fonctionner selon nos moyens. En même temps, notre première priorité demeure de répondre aux besoins de santé de notre communauté, et nous ne plierons pas à cet égard.

Although not an easy task, we have every intention of using the Baron Report as a stepping stone to help us re-invent and improve on how we provide health care, teaching and research.

As we move forward, we are committed to working closely with our medical community and all of our clinical and non-clinical personnel in reworking how we provide health care. It is only with their insight and support that we can ensure that the McGill University Health Centre maintains its “best-in-class” reputation across all fronts.

Nous avons beaucoup de pain sur la planche à mesure que nous faisons face à nos défis fiscaux et que nous nous préparons pour le déménagement de 2015 et au-delà. Il va sans dire que ça place une pression immense sur notre équipe, et au nom de tous, je souhaite encore un fois porter hommage aux 12 000 femmes et hommes talentueux et dévoués qui travaillent au Centre universitaire de santé McGill.

Thanks to them, we remain an outstanding academic health centre that will only get better.

I would now like to call upon our CEO to present his report.