Major construction to start on Avenue des Pins and Avenue du Dr-Penfield
Access to the Royal Victoria Hospital (RVH) and The Montreal Neurological Hospital and Institute (The Neuro) will be affected by major underground infrastructure work on Avenue des Pins and Avenue du Docteur-Penfield that will be carried out by the City of Montréal's Direction de l'eau potable. The work is set to begin toward the end of September and will continue until the Fall of 2013. The project will be conducted in three phases and will cause changes to traffic flow. Phase 1 will last from October to December and will involve work on Avenue des Pins between Docteur-Penfield and McTavish. This section of Avenue des Pins will be fully closed, with two-way traffic on Docteur-Penfield. As a result, the RVH parking lot P3 off of des Pins will be blocked; however it can be accessed via parking lot P2.
The MUHC would like to remind patients and visitors of the likely traffic congestion so that they may consider taking public transit (STM website) or give themselves more time to reach the hospital.
The most inconvenient phase of the construction will be from May to the Fall of 2013. Avenue des Pins between Durocher and Dr-Penfield will be partially dug up and traffic will be restricted to one lane only, flowing east to west, on Pins. Near the end of the summer, the Pins and University intersection will be closed for 24-hour periods necessitating the rerouting of ambulances and cars headed to the RVH Emergency Department and The Neuro.
We encourage you to check updates regularly. You can also call the City of Montreal Info-Travaux hotline by dialing 514-872-3777, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or visit their Info-Travaux website. In addition, citizens can join the city’s twitter feed at Twitter MTL_circulation.