Wear purple from June 10 to 15 to raise awareness for the prevention of Elder Abuse
Every year on June 15, communities around the world come together to mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Established by the United Nations in 2011, this significant event raises public awareness of elder abuse and encourages people to adopt compassionate behaviours.
At the MUHC, there is a continuous effort to emphasize the importance of promoting well-being for everyone. Here are some examples:
The MUHC policy entitled “Prevention of the mistreatment of vulnerable and older adults” was updated to help staff recognize, intervene and prevent elder abuse. The policy is available on the website.
From June 10 to 15, Volunteer Services will distribute purple ribbons to our patients and their families to raise awareness of elder abuse.
The Multidisciplinary Services Directorate will distribute brochures and posters to various units and family rooms.
A Lunch & Learn for social workers on how to report elder abuse is taking place on June 12.
Join us in raising awareness by wearing purple during the week of June 10 to 15. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is on Saturday, June 15.