Update on the relaxation of health measures effective March 12, 2022

In light of the recent relaxation of COVID-19 public health measures and the latest ministerial guidelines, the MUHC is introducing several important changes to its Family Presence and Visiting Guidelines.

What's changing:

  • Return to regular visiting hours PRE-pandemic:
    • Visiting hours: 8am-9pm
    • Quiet hours: 9pm-6am (for families and caregivers only)
  • Visitors and family members will no longer have to present their Vaxicode or a visitor bracelet to access our sites.
  • There will no longer be exception tables at the Montreal General Hospital or Royal-Victoria Hospital main entrances.
  • The following is the number of caregivers and visitors allowed in each unit:
    • Adult care units: usually 2 family caregivers/visitors can be at the bedside at a time (exception in oncology)
    • Pediatric units: up to 3 family caregivers/visitors can be at the bedside at a time
    • Children and siblings: all ages allowed in most settings (exceptions in oncology, psychiatry adult and pediatric. For more details, consult our family presence and visiting guidelines.)
      • 1 child under 12 at a time and must be supervised by an adult who is not the patient
      • Needs to be requested for the intensive care unit

What doesn't change:

  • Security guards will remain at entrances to:
    • Monitor hand washing and wearing of procedure mask
    • Screen family caregivers/visitors using the COVID questionnaire at designated entrances
  • We are maintaining the exception table at the Cedars Cancer Centre.
  • We are maintaining the application of the ministerial directives concerning the control of the number and supervision of family caregivers in adult and pediatric oncology.
  • We are maintaining the screening of patients and caregivers with the COVID questionnaire.
  • Only one (1) family caregiver may accompany a patient to the emergency room and ambulatory care. Exceptions may be authorized by the health care team.
  • For the Camille Lefebvre Pavilion, the changes implemented on February 28, 2022 remain in effect. For more details, please refer to the Family Presence and Visiting Guidelines.

When you visit the hospital

Please wear a mask and follow public health measures still in effect. Please come to the hospital only if you are symptom free and not under quarantine.