National Clinical Nurse Specialist Week - September 1 to 7
Thank you Christine, and all your colleagues, for all the great work you do.
Join us in September as we celebrate National Clinical Nurse Specialist Week from September 1 to 7!
Christine Lefebvre is an advanced practice nurse at the Lachine Hospital.
What led you to becoming an advanced practice nurse?
I had the chance to work with an advanced practice nurse who covered my unit when I was a nurse at the bedside. She spoke with me about her role. I was able to ask questions and thought it sounded interesting. I learned a bit more as part of my master's degree in nursing and found that the diversity of the advanced practice nurse's job (five areas: clinician, consultant, educator, researcher and leader) was a good way to continue to develop my skills and touch on a bit of everything.
What is the best advice that someone at the MUHC ever gave you?
My first year at the MUHC, a colleague told me to always remain curious, that things are often not as you imagine them at first. That has stuck with me ever since and has come in handy in many difficult situations.
Tell us about working with your fellow clinical nurse specialists?
Being relatively new to the advanced practice nursing group, I have had a very positive experience with my fellow advanced practice nurses. The group is welcoming and always ready to offer support to their peers. Many of the advanced practice nurses have a great deal of experience, so I can benefit from their expertise in my various projects.
How do you like to relax and unwind after a shift?
After work, I enjoy taking time for some physical activity and reading.