MUHC releases Sustainable Development Report
March 11th, 2025
The McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) is proud to present its first public Sustainable Development Report (2023-2024), highlighting key initiatives, priorities, and achievements in sustainability.
"I want to thank all the teams who contributed to this report and everyone actively engaged in our sustainable development efforts."
— Dr. Lucie Opatrny, MUHC President and Executive Director
Key highlights:
- In October 2023, a commitment was made to purchase from social economy enterprises; an initiative coordinated by the Social Economy Council of Montreal (CÉSIM).
- In February 2024, a commitment was made in support of biodiversity and the Quebec government's 2030 Nature Plan; an initiative coordinated by the Montreal Regional Environmental Council.
- A study assessing the vulnerability of MUHC buildings to climate change is underway.
- Launch in September 2023 of project to develop the MUHC’s first carbon footprint assessment.
- Preparation for LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) recertification at the Glen site in 2023.
- Desflurane, an anesthetic gas that produces significant greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), is no longer used in the operating room. A pilot project for the recovery of other anesthetic gases began in October 2023 at the Montreal General Hospital and continued into 2024 at the Glen site.
- A project replaced approximately 2,600 fluorescent lights with LED fixtures across three sites, contributing to our energy efficiency efforts.
- Outdated or obsolete materials and equipment that are no longer suitable for patient use can still be valuable in an educational setting. In 2023-2024, the Simulation Centre successfully recovered materials and equipment valued at over $370,000.
- In May 2023, a tree planting event was held with employees and volunteers to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the MUHC; another planting of 400 trees took place in September 2023 at the Glen site.
- A new menu introduced at the cafeterias (Glen site and Montreal General Hospital) in September 2023, features nearly 50% vegetarian options.
Read the full MUHC Sustainable Development Report 2023-2024 here.