MUHC Nursing Innovation Award is unique in Quebec

MUHC nurses are getting the extraordinary opportunity to promote their ideas to advance and improve nursing practices. Thanks to a generous donation from the Herta Vodstrcil estate last year, $500,000 was set aside to fund innovative nursing projects.  For the next 10 years, the Foundation will distribute $50,000 annually to one deserving project.  

"The Nursing directorate is very fortunate to have such strong support from the MUHC Foundation. This award is an example of what makes us unique and demonstrates how important nurses are in finding solutions to the problems we face when caring for our patients,” said Alain Biron, Associate Director of Nursing. 

The inaugural award will be handed out at this year’s Nursing Awards of Excellence on May 12th. “This brand new project is a great thing for our nurses. There is no other establishment in Quebec that has the opportunity to do this,” noted Biron. The award will recognize initiatives that enhance safe practice and compassionate care for patients and families through the use of innovation and encourages inspirational and motivational leadership skills. 

The project must illustrate how the initiative will be supported and sustained in the future and have the potential to benefit other nursing teams and other groups across the MUHC. 

The MUHC Nursing directorate is known for its creativity and passion, so the competition is bound to be fierce.  We wish all teams the best of luck! 

MUHC nurses can go to the intranet for additional details, including the deadline to apply, admission form and guide.