December 3, 2021: International Day of Persons with Disabilities

The MUHC is continuously working to make its facilities and services universally accessible. In addition, the MUHC produces an annual Action Plan to monitor and constantly improve its services and infrastructure.

Since September 2021, Valentine Weber, Assistant to the Director of Multidisciplinary Services, and Steven Yamamoto, Assistant Director of Technical Services, Physical Plant, Hygiene and Sanitation, have been responsible for developing and implementing this action plan. Together, Weber and Yamamoto, chair the MUHC Accessibility Committee, helping to connect valued partners from various sectors within the MUHC.

Without a doubt, infrastructure and ease of access are vital to ensure inclusion for persons with reduced mobility. The new tunnel, connecting the Vendome multimodal station to the Glen site, facilitates entry for people with disabilities. The Glen was specifically chosen because of its proximity to the station; however, the stairs and slope in the old tunnel were an issue. The MUHC collaborated closely with its partners, over a period of seven years, to construct a second tunnel connecting the station to the hospital which now offers a key link that is user-friendly, safe, and accessible to all.

Improvements for people with disabilities is ongoing and involves many initiatives. Here are three lesser-known projects:

More accessibility resources for MUHC employees, patients, and families

A new accessibility section was launched on the MUHC intranet and website to provide valuable information and links to resources. It is also possible to consult the document "Services and Resources for People with Disabilities" which includes a comprehensive list of resources and services available for people with disabilities and their families in the Montreal metropolitan area.

Website video captions

To ensure accessibility to all information, the MUHC improved access to videos on our website by including captions—the text transcription of the audio at the bottom of the screen. As of 2019, nearly all videos published by the MUHC are close captioned.

Limited parking spaces

Ensuring access to our hospital sites also involves offering parking spaces close to entrances for people with reduced mobility. The MUHC has addressed that issue and increased the number of reserved spaces for people with disabilities.


We want to hear from you! What have you done to promote universal access at the MUHC?

If you would like to learn more about the MUHC Disability Action Plan 2021-2022, please click here.