The CPE of the Royal Victoria Hospital has a brand new playground!

The mood was upbeat at the inauguration of the new playground of the Centre de la Petite Enfance (CPE) Charles W. McDougall at the Royal Victoria Hospital, a daycare centre reserved for the children of employees of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC). The event took place on November 27, in the company of children, parents, CPE board members and MUHC President and Executive Director, Dr. Lucie Opatrny.

 “It was important for me to support the CPE's new playground project. It represents a fundamental element at the heart of the well-being and development of the children of some of our employees at the MUHC. It's impossible not to mention my strong sense of belonging to the daycare centre, as my children attended it, and I have wonderful memories of that time,” says Dr. Opatrny.


An essential role in a child's development

The playground is an integral part of children's daily lives at a daycare centre. “We know that physical motor skills are of great importance in children's motor development. They also need to get some fresh air and movement to support their learning throughout the day,” says Tanya Kusiewicz, executive director of the CPE Charles W. McDougall, which celebrated its fortieth anniversary in 2021 and offers 80 places for children aged six months to five years.


Benefits for MUHC employees

Having access to a daycare centre in the workplace is undoubtedly a major benefit for employees. “It's convenient for parents to have one less stop to make in their schedule, which is often already very busy. It's also reassuring for them to know that at least one of the two parents is close to the child, and that if anything were to happen, they could quickly go and see their child,” says Tanya Kusiewicz “We also give priority access to the CPE services for siblings. In short, these are all criteria that can lighten the mental load of parents and promote a better work-family balance.”

This is particularly true for Alexandra Létourneau, an operating room nurse and MUHC employee for the past 17 years. “It's a privilege to have a place for my daughter at the daycare centre where I work. I know she's safe and in good hands with the educators, who do an extraordinary job. This freedom of mind is priceless, and I'm very grateful for it,” explains Alexandra Létourneau.

This new playground is sure to please many!


Employees starting a career at the MUHC who wish to obtain a place at the CPE can register their children on the waiting list of Quebec's one-stop access point for educational childcare service (La place 0-5).

Photo caption, from left to right.
Tanya Kusiewicz: Executive Director CPE Charles W. McDougall
Dr. Lucie Opatrny: President and Executive Director, Mcgill University Health Centre
Alexandra Létourneau: Operating Room Nurse
Selda Elmas : Project Manager | Programming and Research Planning Officer, Cancer Care Mission 
Justin Ciampini: Manager, Operations and Maintenance, MUHC