April 22 is Earth Day: every gesture counts

Our recent awe-inspiring total solar eclipse is a reminder that our planet is part of a greater universe and that each of us should appreciate and protect it for future generations and ourselves. Once a year since 1970, Earth Day has galvanized communities to do just that. Today, more than 192 countries participate worldwide to raise awareness, advocate for gestures, big and small, and make a positive impact.

This year’s Earth Day theme is Planet vs Plastics. In keeping with this, allow me to highlight that hospitals, in general, are major generators of waste, including plastics. To reduce our production of waste (including plastic) we need to rethink our consumption, work to reduce the purchase of single-use products at source, choose reusable products, buy in bulk whenever possible, and so on. As of now, single-use plastic utensils (knives, forks and spoons) are no longer available in our cafeterias and restaurants. Collection of returnable containers (including plastic containers) is occurring at our sites. Several projects at the MUHC are underway in plastic reduction, for example, the Nursing directorate is exploring with our teams in dialysis the possibility of recycling 4L plastic bottles. As every gesture counts, you are encouraged to utilize reusable cups in cafeterias and at our vendors. 

We are making important strides but collective teamwork is key to achieving our goals. The MUHC has begun recycling plastics, but we still have work to do to improve our performance. In that regard, we will soon begin drafting our first residual materials management plan, which will provide us with an overview of the current recycling situation at each of our sites and an action plan specifying the target timetable and budget required for recycling different types of materials (including plastic). Teams are also currently working on the production of the first carbon footprint report, which will enable us to measure, track and reduce our environmental footprint.

I invite you to take part in the activities planned for the week of April 22 to 25, many of which are in partnership with Montreal socio-economic organizations - another great recent MUHC commitment.

  • Information kiosk on biodiversity – we have recently signed a commitment to biodiversity.
  • Climate change game tailor-made for the MUHC
  • Hikes on Mount Royal to learn how to identify threatened or invasive species
  • Electric bike trials
  • Kiosk on healthy and local food, including tasting of vegan galettes and honey
  • Several draws have been organized to encourage your participation

Please  help the MUHC reduce its environmental footprint on Earth Day and every day.

Lucie Opatrny, MD MHCM FRCP(c), MSc.

President and Executive Director, MUHC