The MUHC celebrates RT week!

The MUHC celebrates RT week!

Respiratory therapists continue to play a critical role during the COVID-19 pandemic

Today we feature messages of gratitude from colleagues of the RT team at the Neuro.

Karine Lettre-Mathieu, Chief of respiratory services at the MGH and Neuro

To my entire Neuro RT team, I salute your professionalism and your outstanding teamwork. I am proud to have a team that is so committed and devoted to quality of care. You do a remarkable job every day and your contribution makes a real difference in the patients' journey. Thank you for being there!

Charles E. Smith, MD, Professor of Anesthesia

To all the Neuro RTs:

Your compassion, optimism and kindness to our patients do not go unnoticed. I would just like to take this moment to recognize you for your hard work, expertise and professionalism in making the anesthesia department (and my life at the Neuro) run smoothly.

Gratefully yours,

Dr. Smith

Daniel Chartrand, MD PhD FRCPC, Vice-Chairman, Department of Anesthesia, McGill University

You are quite simply a spectacular team! Thank you for everything thank you do!

Dr. Mohamed Badawy

We (physicians) rely on respiratory therapists so much for most of the care we provide our patients in anesthesia and critical care medicine. RTs are our (anesthesiologists and intensivists) eyes, ears and hands when we cannot be continuously present at the patient’s bedside. Patients with severe respiratory issues often owe RTs their lives during a hospital admission more than to any other health care professional. RTs simply make the hospital a safer, and definitely more pleasant, place for everyone. 

We love RTs.

Dr. Fred Salevsky, sStaff Anesthetist, MNH Dept. Anesthesia

Each individual RT is deeply skilled, with the confidence to apply those skills however they may be needed.  As a team, the RT Department functions as that classic "well-oiled machine", keeping all of us informed and our equipment running smooth and safe.  I do not believe I could function to the best of my ability without our RTs already functioning to the best of theirs.  They are of inestimable value to the entire hospital, and a shining credit to their profession.

Siva Moonsamy, MNH ICU Nurse Manager

The RT team’s presence is valuable and a key partner among  professionals in healthcare organizations. Your presence makes not only the patients but the rest of the team to breathe better.