Thank you, MUHC Physiotherapists!

Today, physiotherapists will be celebrated worldwide for World Physiotherapy Day! Let’s look at 5 fun facts about physiotherapy at the MUHC and about the practice in general. 

Physiotherapists are key members of the MUHC’s Respiratory Rehab Program and Traumatic Brain Injury Program. The work of a physiotherapist has a deep impact on people’s lives after injury or illness. Their expertise lies in human mobility, so they understand a patient’s level of strength, range of motion, and how to improve both. 

Physiotherapists make patients stronger for an upcoming surgery. Physiotherapists draw up exercise regimens for pre-op patients in the event of major surgeries. Gaining physical strength prior to surgery improves results and can even minimize recovery time. 

In the public sector, physiotherapists collaborate with their multidisciplinary colleagues. Once physiotherapists graduate from university, they can choose to work in the private sector, but many are still drawn to the public sector due to its advantages. One of the best parts of working at the hospital, as reported by MUHC physios, is belonging to a multidisciplinary team. In a hospital setting, physios meet occupational therapists, dieticians, nurses… you name it!

Collaboration with other talented professionals means less stress individually, more knowledge, and best of all, outstanding patient results. 

The MUHC has included kinesiologists as part of the physiotherapy team. Adding kinesiologists to the mix is an innovative strategy employed at the MUHC. A kinesiologist makes sure that the regimen provided by the physiotherapist is being followed. 

Physiotherapy is practiced at the Neuro, the Glen site, and at the Montreal General Hospital. Take a look at these pictures below of our amazing staff!