Spiritual Care Awareness Week

Join us in celebrating Spiritual Care Awareness Week, which runs from October 22 to 28! 

Thank you Nazar, and all your colleagues, for all the great work you do.

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Q 1. What led you to becoming a spiritual counsellor?  

It has been in my family for generations, therefore I believe it’s in my blood. Watching my father and grandfather help people spiritually helped me to see how important that is. It’s life transforming for the other person, but also for myself. Also, an incident that marked me as a child, was watching my grandfather die and seeing the need that followed. Even as a little boy I was able to listen and be supportive and I saw how people needed and appreciated that. 
Q 2. What is the best advice that someone at the MUHC ever gave you?  

The best advice I was given was from one of my teachers, Robert Lambert from the MUHC. His advice was to give myself time to make changes in the workplace. He encouraged me not to be too hard on myself, especially if change doesn’t happen right away. This advice came in handy when I got my first job at a young age and wanted to implement everything that I had learned in order to improve things. With every new opportunity I get, I apply this advice. 

Q 3. Tell us about working with your fellow colleagues. 

It is very rewarding, working with my fellow colleagues. They are the ones that understand our job the most. We can discuss and encourage each other. We all have different cultures and belief systems, so it’s always interesting to learn and share with others.  

Q 4.  How do you like to relax and unwind after a shift? 

I go to the gym. It helps me unwind by clearing my head and working on my body. It always lets out all the emotions, especially if I had a really tough day. It does relax me, but at the same time, it gives me energy to continue the rest of my day.