Where ? Where ?

PK Subban Atrium, Montreal Children's Hospital (S1 level)

When ? When ?

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 12:30 to 13:00

Description Description


The MUHC Choir, Enchanté, invites staff, patients and visitors to a concert on Wednesday, December 4th at 12:30.

The show will feature choral arrangements in French and English from Simon and Garfunkle, Stevie Wonder, Gilles Vigneault and Tricot Machine.

Enchanté is comprised of staff members from a wide range of clinical, administrative and research areas of the MUHC. The choir also includes several volunteers and now welcomes retirees to join as well.

Our mission -- to experience the joy of singing in a group and to bring music into our community.

We hope to see you there!

Our members:

Alto 1
Angela Alston
Dr. Emmett Francoeur
Isabelle Gagnon
Doris Giatras
Rachel Hawes
Liliane Hess
Susan Hill
Cat Lau
Rachel Laufert
Bénédicte Nauche
Patricia Tellis

Soprano 1
Annie Boisvert
Moy Fong Chen
Chantal Leblanc
Tomoko Osaki
Kathleen Raiche
Jing Hoon Teo
Bin Zhu

Alto 2
Dimitra Doanis
Rose Djiana
Christina Lazaro
Catherine Oliver
Margaret Ruddy
Lori Seller

Soprano 2
Fabiola Ferdinand
Jen Jackman
Jenny Kwan
Carrie-Ann Leduc
Jasmine Poole

Contact information Contact information

To find out about joining the choir; email [email protected]