Emotional is Not Irrational: Rethinking The Role of Emotions In Learning & Clinical Skills
Where ?
Meakins Amphitheatre, 5th floor, McIntyre Medical Sciences Building
3655 Promenade Sir-William-Osler
When ?
Thursday, October 24, 2019 - 16:00 to 17:30
Dr. Vicki LeBlanc
McGill University’s Institute of Health Sciences Education and the Faculty Development Office invite you to an educational presentation that aims provide a greater understanding on the role of emotions in a clinical setting. The presentation, hosted by Vicki LeBlanc, PhD, will present an overview of the research on the relationship between emotions and cognition, as well as the implications for health professions education and clinical practice.
This presentation will:
- Present an overview of the relationship between emotions and cognitive processes;
- Help gain an appreciation for the integral role of emotions in clinical learning and performance;
- Describe the implications of this research for teaching in emotional settings, such as simulation-based education.
The Health Sciences Education Rounds are cohosted by the Institute of Health Sciences Education and the Faculty Development Office.
Event questions: [email protected]