MUHC Councils

The Board of Directors has councils that meet on a regular basis between Board meetings. The terms of reference and membership for each council are indicated below.

Council of Physicians, Dentists and Pharmacists (established by art, 213 of the HSSA)

Terms of Reference

Given that the MUHC CPDP is composed of members who have privileges at one (1) or more of five (5) hospital sites, and until the MUHC is located on a single site, it was decided that affairs of the members of the CPDP at these five (5) sites would be best served by maintaining Site Executive Committees with representation by the respective Chairs and Vice-Chairs on the Central Executive Committee and accountability to the MUHC Board of Directors.


The Council shall consist of all the physicians, dentists and pharmacists who practice their profession in the MUHC and have the status required by the Regulations.

Membership 2023-2025

The Central Executive Committee (CEC) shall be composed of the following voting members:

  • Dr. Tatiana Cabrera, Chair
  • Dr. Geneviève Chaput, Vice-Chair
  • Marie-Soleil Delisle
  • Dr. Debra-Meghan Sanft
  • Dr. Josephine Pressacco
  • Dr. Abbas Sadikot
  • Dr. Jeanne Teitelbaum
  • Dr. Leon Tourian
  • Dr. Susan Vaillancourt
  • Dr. Claudine Lamarre, MUHC Director of Professional Services
  • Dr. Jean Deschênes, Associate Director of Professional Services, MUHC
  • Dr. Lucie Opatrny, MUHC President and Executive Director
  • Martine Alfonso, MUHC Associate President and Executive Director
  • Dr. Tania Di Genova, Associate Director of Professional Services, MCH
  • Dr. Steven Grover, CPDP Representative to the MUHC Board

Site Committees


  • Dr. Leon Tourian, Chair (Psychiatry)
  • Marie-Soleil Delisle, Vice-Chair (Pharmacy)
  • Dr. Richard Montoro (Psychiatry)
  • Dr. Nicholas Makhoul (Dentistry)
  • Dr. Janius Tsang (Adult Anesthesia)
  • Dr. Waqqas Afif (Gastroenterology)


  • Dr. Josephine Pressacco, Chair (Medical Imaging)
  • Dr. Tatiana Cabrera, Vice-Chair (Medical Imaging)
  • Dr. Ralph Lattermann (Adult Anesthesia)
  • Francois Gauthier (Pharmacy)
  • Dr. Sanjeet Saluja (Emergency Medicine)
  • Dr. Gordan Samoukovic (Cardiac Surgery)
  • Dr. Benoit De Varennes (Cardiac Surgery)


  • Dr. Suzanne Vaillancourt Interim Chair (Pediatric/EM)
  • Dr. Pierre-Luc Bernier (Pediatric Surgery)
  • Dr. Adam Bretholz (Pediatric/EM)
  • Dr. Josiane Milette (Pediatric Surgery)
  • Thanh-Thao Ngo (Pharmacy)
  • Dr. Sam Daniel (Pediatric Surgery)
  • Dr. Tania Di Genova, (Pediatric Critical Care)


  • Dr. Abbas Sadikot, Chair (Neurosurgery)
  • Dr. Jeanne Teitelbaum, Vice-Chair (Neurology)
  • Anne Marie Charbonneau-Allard (Pharmacy)
  • Dr. Rami Massie (Neurology)
  • Dr. Denis Sirhan (Neurosurgery)


  • Dr. Geneviève Chaput, Chair (Family Medicine)
  • Dr. Debra-Meghan Sanft, Vice-Chair (Ophthalmology)
  • Dr. Dominique Piper (Family Medicine)
  • Mai-Loan Leha (Pharmacy)
  • Dr. Paul Saba (Family Medicine)
  • Dr. Fahimy Saoud (Family Medicine)


  • Medical, Dental, Pharmaceutical Evaluation Committee (MCH) - Dr. Mary Decell
  • Medical, Dental, Pharmaceutical Evaluation Committee (MGH & RVH-Glen) - Dr. Dev Jayaraman and Dr. Patrick Melanson
  • Medical, Dental, Pharmaceutical Evaluation Committee (Lachine) - Dr. Normand Paul
  • Medical, Dental, Pharmaceutical Evaluation Committee (Neuro) - Dr. Marcelo Lannes
  • Qualifications Committee (MUHC) - Dr. Mark Roper
  • Pharmacology and Therapeutics Committee (Adult) - Dr. Raghu Rajan
  • Pharmacology and Therapeutics Committee (Pediatric) - Dr. Chris Karatzios


  • AMM Committee (MUHC) - Dr. Jean Deschênes
  • Infection Control (Adult) - Dr. Dev Jayaraman
  • Pediatric Infection Control - Dr. Marie-Astrid Lefebvre
  • Continuing Medical Education (MUHC) - Dr. Mitchell Shulman
  • Trauma Committee (Adult) - Dr. Kosar Khwaja and Nancy Branco (inf.)
  • Pediatric and Adolescent Trauma Committee - Debbie Friedman
  • Medical Records Committee (Adult and Pediatrics) - Dr. Marc Beique
  • Elections Committee - Dr. Thomas Milroy
  • Tumour Committee - Dr. Neil Kopek


The Council is responsible to the Board for the:

  • supervision and evaluation of the medical, dental and pharmaceutical acts, including the pertinence, performed in the MUHC;
  • assessing and maintaining the professional standards of the physicians, dentists and pharmacists practising in the MUHC;
  • making recommendations on the qualifications and competence of a physician or dentist who applies for an appointment or the renewal of an appointment and on the privileges and the status to be granted;
  • making recommendations on the qualifications and competence of a pharmacist who applies for an appointment and on the status to be granted;
  • giving its opinion on the disciplinary measures the Board should impose on physicians, dentists or pharmacists;
  • making recommendations on the rules governing medical, dental, and pharmaceutical care and on the rules governing the use of medicines applicable in the MUHC and formulated by each clinical department head;
  • making recommendations on the obligations which may be attached to the enjoyment of the privileges granted to a physician or a dentist by the Board, in relation to the specific requirements of the MUHC, particularly those concerning:
    • the participation of a physician, dentist, or pharmacist in the clinical activities of the MUHC, including being on duty;
    • the participation of a physician, dentist, or pharmacist in teaching and research activities, where the case arises;
    • the participation of a physician, dentist, or pharmacist in professional, scientific, medical or administrative committees; and
    • the participation of a physician, dentist, or pharmacist in medical activities pursuant to an agreement regarding the provision of certain health or social services or to the exchange of professional health or social services.
  • developing the modalities of a duty roster system ensuring, on a permanent basis, the availability of physicians, dentists and, where the case arises, pharmacists and clinical biochemists, according to the needs of the MUHC;
  • giving its opinion on the professional aspects of the following questions:
    • the technical and scientific organization of the MUHC; and
    • the rules governing the utilization of the resources and on administrative sanctions.
  • making recommendations on the professional aspects of the appropriate distribution of medical and dental care and pharmacy services, and on the medical organization of the MUHC; and
  • carrying out any other function entrusted to it by the Board.


The Council is responsible for the supervision of the medical, dental and pharmacy acts performed in the MUHC, the maintenance of the competence of the physicians, dentists and pharmacists practicing therein at a level sufficient to ensure the quality of their services.

The Council supports the mission of the MUHC as a University Hospital Centre, and is committed to promote the concepts and establishment of continuous quality improvement within the departments and services under its purview, in cooperation and synchrony with the overall hospital quality improvement program. In this endeavour, the Council has in its particular mandate the responsibility for the assurance of quality care to patients, the evaluation and supervision of the medical, dental and pharmaceutical acts performed in the MUHC, and the maintenance of the competence of the physicians, dentists and pharmacists practising therein.

The Council shall give its opinion to the Executive Director on the administrative aspects of the following questions:

  • the measures to be taken in order to ensure that the medical, dental and Pharmacy services provided in the MUHC are complementary to those provided in a hospital operated by another institution of the region and respond to the needs of the population to be served, taking into account the resources available and the necessity of providing adequate services;
  • the rules governing the utilization of resources and administrative sanctions to be included therein;
  • the technical and scientific organization of the MUHC;
  • the appropriate distribution of medical and dental care and Pharmacy services, and the medical organization of the MUHC; and
  • any other question brought to its attention by the Executive Director.

Terms of Office

For two (2) years, renewable for three (3) mandates and as long as the member retains the necessary qualifications to be a member of the Central Executive Committee.

The term of office of the Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary will be for two (2) years, renewable for three (3) mandates.

Frequency of Meetings

Special meetings of the Council may be called at any time, in the following cases:

  1. at the request of the Chair of the Central Executive Committee;
  2. following a resolution by the Central Executive Committee;
  3. upon receipt of a petition signed by at least twenty (20) of the Active Members and addressed to the Chair, with mention of the purpose of the meeting;
  4. at the request of the Board or the Executive Director.

Board Reporting

The Council must report annually to the Board concerning the carrying out of its functions and its resulting opinions.


Council of Nurses  (established by art. 219 HSSA)

Under revision

Multidisciplinary Council (established by art. 226 HSSA)

Terms of Reference


The Council shall be composed of all persons who meet the requirements of article 226 of the Act, including all persons holding college or university diplomas, who perform functions for the MUHC, which are specific to the field of activity in which the diploma was granted, and which are directly related to health services, social services, research or teaching. 

However, no physician, dentist or pharmacist may be a member of the Council. Similarly, no nurse or person performing nurse's aid activities may be a member of the Council, as a Council of Nurses has been established by the MUHC.  No member of the MUHC Council of Non- Clinical Personnel may be a member of the MDC.

Membership List 

The Council will maintain an up-to-date list of members by name, job title and, if applicable, their professional order membership.



  • Jesse Burns, president (manager of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Adult sites)
  • Beth Robertson, vice-president (occupational therapist, MNH)
  • Andrew Kearns, treasurer (Spiritual Services coordinator, Adult sites)
  • Giuseppe Pazienza, secretary (physiotherapist)
  • Antoinette Lemieux, communications officer (social worker, RVH)


  • Dave Perkins (respiratory therapist, RVH)
  • Daanish Mansoory (occupational therapist, Allan Memorial Institute)
  • Jaclyn Stevenson (occupational therapist, RVH)
  • Kathy Guinan (respiratory therapist, MCH)
  • Olivier Apatout (biomedical engineer, Glen site)
  • Tina Mezzacappa (dietitian-nutritionist, RVH)
  • Tianqing Wei (physiotherapist, RVH)

Terms of Office

MDC site reps (MCH, MGH, RVH, Lachine)  - two (2) years eligible for re-election.  MUHC Board of Directors rep – three (3) years, coinciding with MUHC Board of Directors election.



As stipulated in Article 227 of the Act, the Council is accountable to the Board of Directors for: 

  1. forming, whenever required, the committees needed to assess and improve the quality of the professional activities engaged in by any of its members in the MUHC;
  2. making recommendations on the proper distribution of care and services dispensed by its members, taking into account the local conditions of practice required to ensure quality services in the MUHC;
  3. submitting an Annual Report to the Board of Directors on the carrying out of its function and its resulting opinions;
  4. carrying out any other function entrusted to it by the Board of Directors.

Frequency of Meetings

Minimum eight (8) times per annum.

Board Reporting

Must submit an annual report to the Board of Directors on the carrying out of its functions and its resulting opinions. 

Council for Services to Children and Adolescents – The Montreal Children’s Hospital (CSCA)

Terms of Reference


The Council for Services to Children and Adolescents shall be composed of the following members:

(Voting Members (21)

  • one person chosen by and from each of the three professional councils related to the MUHC mission of services, research and education relevant to children and adolescents (the "Pediatric Mission");
  • one person named from among the non-professional staff, working primarily in services related to the Pediatric Mission;
  • two persons named by the Principal of the University;
  • the chief of the Department of Pediatrics;
  • the surgeon-in-chief, the Montreal Children’s Hospital;
  • the chief, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry;
  • an officer from the office of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine;
  • one person involved primarily in research related to the Pediatric Mission chosen by the Board of Directors of the MUHC Research Institute after consultation with those persons who are involved primarily in research related to the Pediatric Mission;
  • six co-opted members named by the other members of the CSCA;
  • two persons representing patients 17 years of age or under, elected by the Family Advisory Forum;
  • two persons chosen from and by the MCH Foundation. 

Non-Voting Members (4)

  • the associate executive director for the Pediatric Mission;
  • the president and executive director of the MUHC;
  • the chairperson or vice-Chairperson of the MUHC Board; and
  • the president of the MCH Foundation.



Terms of Office

The term of office of members of the CSCA shall be three (3) years.  They shall, however, remain in office, following expiry of their term, until replaced or renewed.

Frequency of Meetings

At least eight (8) times a year.

Board Reporting

The CSCA must, before March 31 of each year, report to the Board concerning the carrying out of its functions and its resulting opinions.

Mandate and Responsibilities of the CSCA

The CSCA, which is responsible to the Board has the following responsibilities and duties to be exercised within the policy and operational framework established by the Board, which framework includes, but is not limited to, organization plan, budgetary envelope, policies, strategic plan and priorities:

  • to monitor, report on, advocate and promote the fulfilment of the MUHC’s mission in relation to children and adolescents in order to ensure that, within the MUHC, the needs of children and adolescents and families are met;
  • to formulate recommendations concerning orientations, priorities, strategic plan, policies and organizational plan with regard to pediatric and adolescent services;
  • to recommend to the Board, the appointment or termination of the associate executive director and senior managers and to review the appointment of clinical staff (physicians, dentists and pharmacists) specific to the mission of the services to children and adolescents;
  • to monitor and report on the pertinence, quality, including complaints management and effectiveness, of services to children and adolescents;
  • to prepare and submit to the Board, operational and capital budgets for services for children and adolescents, and to monitor resource utilization and budget expenditures throughout the year;
  • to promote the provision of adequate resources for appropriate innovative educational and research programs relevant to child and adolescent health;
  • to participate in the process of selection of the executive director and other senior staff of the MUHC which are common to services to children and adults;
  • to advise and liaise with all internal structures and management with respect to services to children and adolescents;
  • to monitor the motivation and development of competencies of the personnel working with children and adolescents, and to advise on the action plan for personnel development;
  • to ensure that the community is well informed about the MUHC's mission of services to children and adolescents within the context of the MUHC communications program; and
  • to carry out such other responsibilities as the Board may delegate to it from time to time.

Council of Non-Clinical Personnel (CNCP)

Terms of Reference


The Council shall consist of all the non-clinical personnel in the MUHC: Support Services (includes paratechnical and trades employees), Clerical (includes administrative technicians and administrative professionals) and Management.


  • Brenda Levine, interim president
  • Marc-Anthony Dixon
  • Lucy Di Benedetto
  • Karyn Geraghty
  • Shawna Alleyne
  • Sandra Santo
  • Armando Rafael

The Executive Committee shall be composed of a total of 15 voting members from the following constituencies:

  • One (1) support services representative including paratechnical and trades employees from each of the existing 6 sites.
  • One (1) clerical group representative including administrative technicians and non-clinical professionals from each of the 6 sites.
  • One (1) clerical group representative including administrative technicians and non-clinical professionals from 2155 rue Guy.
  • Two (2) managers to represent MUHC managers from any site.
  • The director of MUHC Human Resources or delegate, non-voting member.
  • MUHC CNCP representative to the Board, non-voting member.
  • Invited guests without any voting privileges.


The Council, through the Executive Director, is responsible to the Board for: 

  1. forming, whenever required, the committees needed to assess and improve quality of activities engaged in by any of its members in the MUHC;
  2. making recommendations on the proper distribution of care and services dispensed by its members, taking into account the local conditions of practice required to ensure quality services in the MUHC; 
  3. participating in the preparation of the three year staffing and personnel development action plan; 
  4. submitting an Annual Report to the Board of Directors on the carrying out of its functions and its resulting opinions; 
  5. carrying out any other function entrusted to it by the Board of Directors. 

In accordance with the by-laws of the MUHC, the CNCP is accountable to the Executive Director for giving its opinion on the following matters:

  1. the scientific and technical organization of the MUHC;
  2. the means to be used to assess and maintain the professional standards of its members;
  3. the standards applicable for managers as regards conflict of interest and where applicable exclusivity of office;
  4. the measures to prevent or put an end to the conflict of interest that may arise from the awarding of a contract by the MUHC to a person employed by the MUHC or a person practising a profession in a centre operated by the MUHC or from awarding of a contract by the MUHC to an enterprise in which such a person has a direct or indirect interest; and
  5. any other question brought to its attention by the Executive Director.

Terms of Office

The term of office for members of the Executive Committee is for three (3) years and is renewable as long as the member retains the necessary qualifications to be a member of the Executive Committee.

The terms of office may be extraordinarily extended for a period not greater than one (1) year when, and if, proposed and deemed necessary by a 2/3 majority vote of the members of the Executive Committee present at a meeting of the Executive Committee.

All members shall remain in office following the expiry of their mandate until they are replaced.

Frequency of Meetings

Minimum of ten (10) times per annum.

Board Reporting

Submit an annual report to the Board of Director.

Advisory Council Montreal Neurological Hospital (MNH)

Terms of Reference


The Advisory Council shall be composed of the following members:

Voting members (16)

  • three representatives, involved primarily in neurological care at the MNH, chosen by and from each of the three professional councils;
  • one person named from among the non-professional staff;
  • one representative from the University, named by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine;
  • two representatives of the MNI, one of whom will be the Director of the MNI and the other named by the MNI Advisory Board;
  • one representative named by the Patients’ Committee representing the MNH;
  • one representative named by the Friends of the Neuro;
  • four co-opted members who are lay persons not employed or retained by the Neuro, two of whom will be connected to the MNH and unaffiliated with the MNI and will be appointed by a nominating committee of the Advisory Council, and two of whom will be unaffiliated with the MNH and will be appointed by the MNI Advisory Board;
  • the associate executive director for the MNH;
  • the director of Professional Services - MNH;
  • the director of Nursing- MNH.

Non-voting  members (2) (Ex-Officio):

  • the chair or the vice-chair and the executive director.




Mandate and Responsibilities 

The Advisory Council shall report to the Board with regard to the following mandate and responsibilities:

  1. to promote the Neuro mission recognizing the integrated relationship of the Montreal Neurological Hospital/Montreal Neurological Institute;
  2. to provide for a credible voice to advocate for the health needs of its patients and to maintain a strong link with the community;
  3. to monitor the performance of the Neuro mission and the implementation of decisions made by the Board regarding that mission;
  4. to recommend the appointment of the associate executive director of the MNH, senior managers working on site, and review appointments of MNH clinical staff;
  5. to provide advice and make recommendations to the Board on all matters pertaining to the Neuro mission;
  6. to submit an operating and capital budget for the MNH to the MUHC through the associate executive director of the MNH.

Terms of Office

To be determined.

Frequency of Meetings

To be determined.

Board Reporting

The Advisory Council must, before March 31 of each year, report to the Board concerning the carrying out of its functions and its resulting opinions.